E2054 System Interconnection






System overview

The E2045 has been introduced to provide a single frequency paging system for standalone paging systems outside the commercial network.

The E2054 is the backplane to the standard E2000 paging system however only one side of the E2000 is used as it is a single frequency system.

A new dedicated CPU has been added to the backplane to provide specialised and dedicated intercommunication to the standard E2000 system.

The original serial ports to the paging system have been enhanced to provide a TCP paging port as well as two serial paging inputs. One serial port is dedicated to the standard normal paging input the other is a general purpose interface which can be used for paging and remote control of the E2000 system. The main role of this port is monitoring and control of all activities in the system.

The TCP port also has the same capabilities as the MTEL command port however its access is restricted to the LAN, whereas the serial input is connected to a NextG interface providing remote access.

In this diagram CPU2 is on the E2054 backplane and CPU1 is the standard E2050 paging processor. It shows how the E2054 connects to the E2050 to provide additional monitoring and control functionality. The TCP port and Port B now have simultaneous virtual connectivity to ports A, C, E and F on CPU 2.




The diagram below describes the E2054 backplane in more detail showing additional functionality such as power control and RTS/CTS control.



Since the E2051 has been eliminated the FSK audio circuitry has also been replicated and added to the E2054 as shown in sheet 2.



The diagram below describes how the E2054 connects to the E2000 paging subsystem. Since half the E2000 is not populated it has been used to hold the NextG modems. The off-air decoder uses the previously spare position in the E2000 subsystem. Modems and the off-air decoder can be remotely mounted as well via the rear mounted RJ45 connectors.



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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022