TCP Operation





  1. Focus

    This page describes the TCP server command interface of the Off Air Decoder MKII operating in Springhill.


  2. TCP Server Operation

    The OAD MKII primary output is the TCP server. During normal operation the client does no send any data to the TCP server.

    However the server does operate a command processor. To use this service the terminal service connecting to the server must know the non-volatile memory IP and Port address or use the hard coded default IP and Port.

    When a client connects to the TCP port, decoded messages are sent from this port to the client. However the port can be used to change the IP and Port of the server socket.

    Normally the IP socket address is stored in flash memory at manufacture, to the customers request. However if the IP is not known or has been misplaced or incorrectly set then there is a default address which can be used.

    The default address for the device is : 10000.

    To return the unit to the default, remove the unit from the rack and open the lid and a link is added to the PC2060 board as shown below. Take careful precautions when adding the link. Observe the usual static discharge techniques. Be careful around the power supply as it operates from a 240 volt supply. Do not remove any covers from the power supply.

    Power up the unit with the link in. The OAD will on start up, look for the on board link which if closed will default the IP address. Once a terminal server can connect to the TCP on the default address then a new IP can be installed.


    On connecting to the default socket hit CR a few times and the prompt should appear as shown below.


    If no key strokes are detected inside 30 seconds the decoder will start sending messages to the TCP port. If this happens just hit CR again and the messages will stop for another 30 seconds.

    Make sure the terminal server has LF appended to incoming CR as shown in Hyperterm.

    Now type either ? or h or H and the help screen will appear as shown below.

    MTEL DEC> ?

    This is the MTEL OAD help page (C)opyright 2013 --- MTEL Communications Pty. Ltd.

    To send a command Hit CR to get the prompt. When in command mode the decoder logging is turned off.

    The Decoder will restart in 30 seconds on no activity from this command processor.

    COMMAND Menu

    !SET-CLOCK          Sets the current time e.g. for 2-2-2012 12:09:23 dmyhms is 0x02 0x02 0x12 0x0c 0x09 0x17

    !SET-CLOCK          dmyhms is normally performed by external application.
                        Not all hex characters can be manually generated.

                        Once the clock is set, reseting the system will store the start date and time.

    !PRINT-CLOCK        Returns the current time and the start time of the system.
    !CIP=               Sets the IP address for the TCP port.
                        e.g. !CIP=
    !CPORT=             Sets the PORT for the TCP port.
                        e.g. !CPORT=10005 Port is usually less than 65535.
    !IP?                Prints the default and NVM IP address for the TCP port.

    !R                  Prints the last RSSI response from the WBB modem.



    To check the stored IP address type in !IP? and hit CR. The response should be similar to shown below.

    MTEL DEC> !IP?
    cmd: READ IP Socket command

    Sys: DEFAULT IP DEFAULT Port 10000
    Non Volatile IP String set to !CIP=
    Non Volatile PORT String set to !CPORT=10005


    To change the IP type in !CIP=xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq 



    cmd: SET IP Socket command

    IP string OK. Stored to Non-volatile memory.
    Set IP Address is changing to IP Port 10000 This terminal service will now close.


    Note the port will close. To check the correct setting change the terminal server to the new IP and hit CR a few times to get the prompt.

    If there is no response either the address is in conflict or the address was typed in incorrectly. Repower the unit and start again.

    Once the terminal server can connect to the new IP, remove the link and re-power the device. Check the terminal server now connects again to the new address. If successful the unit can be returned to service. If not go back to the default and repower the unit and type in the !IP? command to query the stored IP Port address.

    Note there is no backspace facility. If you make a mistake in typing turn the power off wait for the LEDs to extinguish then power up again and retype the command.

    NOTE: The device only goes to default on power up if the link is in. If the IP is changed it start the new socket even if the link is in. The default is only created on a power up.

    NOTE: Conversely do not leave the link in after changing the IP from the default. The socket will change to the default at some time in the future if the device is repowered.


  3. End of Document


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022