Push MOLI Upgrade





Last Update 19/5/2014


Telstra has introduced the ECP - ESO CLI Data Specification Version 3.4 20th December 2013.

This change to the specification introduces a new data type record called Push MoLI. This record will replace the current MoLI record type.

This page describes the effect this has on the existing 2008 release of CDAT.



The change to a new data record has several implications on the existing CDAT product. Basically there are two processes to be performed.

The first is to change the system to accept the new data. The second is decide how best to utilise and display the data.

Whilst there was a national release of CDAT in 2008, some ESO's have upgraded the TCP Telstra Client to provide additional functionality. This page only deals with the original 2008 release. There will be another page for later versions.

The data record format change basically affects all the CDAT 2008 modules as each has a database CDATfield.mdb which defines the record layout for each client. CDAT requires all these databases to be identical so the field information is interpreted correctly.



The Telstra TCP packet is delivered to the CDIPClient (V3.1 (84) 7th May 2008) and is distributed to all the dedicated modules, Printer, Database and Screen Clients via MTELHub. The packet transfer between all the modules is a superset of Telstra packet as it is embedded in the MTELHub packet. The modules have a two way protocol developed by MTEL so that modules can be added and removed to the broadcast. Each module has a local CDATfield.mdb database file in which the record format of the Telstra packet is defined and can be reconstructed from the MTELHub packet.

When the applications start up they load in the database and use the information to interpret the CDAT packet as it is distributed by MTELHub.


Record change implications

Record Type

The current MoLI has a record type of 3. The new Push MoLI has a record type of 4. The current CDIPClient does not use the record type so this change is seamless. Both record types are accepted.

Record Length

The MTELHub packet length limit is 10,000 bytes. The maximum MoLI record is 1500 bytes. So the packet length is irrelevant.

No of Fields in Display

Currently the maximum number of displayable fields in the record layout has been fixed at 24. The current maximum number of displayable rows of fields in the field layout is 100.

Both of these limits are a problem for the new record format. The new format has 97 MoLI fields and MTELHub has 5 internal fields giving a total of 102 fields. This means the display only shows 100 fields however the underlying record is still preserved.

The record layouts in the clients has a maximum of 24 displayable fields and in the current type 3 record implementation this is not a problem as at most about 20 fields are useful. In the new format all the new fields will be a problem if each is to be displayed on the chance the field might be populated.

If the current CDAT 2008 is passed a new Push MoLI record it will display all the same information as before. The new information will be present in the MTELHub packets but not visible in any of the grids.

RAW_IPND files

Currently the CDIPClient performs regular backups. These files will include all the new fields as the log is a record of the raw packet sent from Telstra.



  • The current CDAT 2008 will accept the new Push MoLI records and display address details as before. The Push MoLI shape information will not be visible.

  • The display of the new shape fields will be very limited when the CDATField.mdb is updated with the new field descriptions. If there are multiple Screen Clients running on MTELHub, one could be dedicated to delivering just the MoLI shapes.

  • CDAT 2008 was designed to deliver address details. It is not suited to displaying MoLI shapes. If the packets are forwarded to a CAD system then the information will be far more useful.

  • The Printer Client will be capable of printing the new fields once the CDATField.mdb is modified.


What to do next

The current CDAT 2008 will work as is.

If the new fields are required then the CDATfield.mdb must be updated.

A decision as to how the new fields can be best displayed is required. Every ESO will have a different approach at this point. To discuss in more detail how MTEL can help you get the most out of the new information please contact Mike Coyer 0738783451 or email at support@mtelcom.net.au







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