




CDATHub V1.0 (64):

Release 23-11-2014    Medium release

  1. remove control box and added minimise in the menu

  2. made the form re-sizeable

  3. window size and flexi-grid column widths stored in registry database. see diagram below

  4. made changes to sockets to improve performance

  5. change message id and counter to maximum value + 1 in PacketID on startup and when ever the NoPairArray collapses to 0 records.

  6. made small change to NoPairArray display size value. More accurate.

  7. PacketID is now a long integer.

  8. added PacketID value which is the last assigned value.


Key_Description Key_Data Description
BackUpPeriod 24 Hours between backups
BackUpTime 2:02:00 PM Backup of log start time
Semi colon separated list of cc recepients
DGOutputsCol 5220.284|527.811|1140.095
DGServersCol 3539.906|768.189|468.2835|1739.906|624.189|912.189|1607.811|972.2835|1152|1319.811|1019.906
DGStartUpCol 1739.906|2520|6168.189
EC_EmailPeriod 600 Time in seconds between emails
EC_NoEvents 9 Number of events before the email period is active
EC_ShellPeriod 600 Number of seconds between periods of shell program activation during errors
EditPeriod 10 This is the time of no activity on the data grid before the edit mode is cancelled and returned to read only mode.
EmailFrom From address. Must be valid or post office will not accept message
EmailOut Semi colon separated list of recepients
EmailPort 25 The port to use for the email server
EmailToName Maintenance Email To Name. Can be blank
EnableEmail False True activates the email
FGOutputCol 2628|2520|5460
FGPairingCol 1956|1428|960|960|960
FGServerCol 2748|2232|4152
HubID CDATHUB-Primary Primary or secondary site id
LastBackUp 14/11/2014 8:49:36 PM Last date/time of backup
LogName WBBGatewayPRI.log Log file name located in LogsDIR location
LogsDIR . Directory where the logs and backup files are stored.
MailServer Server location for outbound emails
MessageID 2229989 Unique message id for every packet presented to Hub
NoPair2 30 Long integer in seconds for the records to be cleaned out of the current list and notifications generated
NotifyShellCmd m:\MSGSender\msgsen.bat See manual to correctly format this textbox for sending shell commands.
PausePeriod 30 Number of seconds any log can be paused
ShellPeriodError 580 The numbers of seconds between shell processes for errors
ShellPeriodErrorRate 590 The number of seconds to measure the number of errors occuring. This is the rate (counts/period)
ShellPeriodNotifyRate 600 The number of seconds to measure the number of notifications occuring. This is the rate (counts/period)
ShellRateErrorThreshold 2 The threshold of the number of error events in the period. This is the rate (counts/period) threshold. A higher rate generates a shell process.
ShellRateNotifyThreshold 3 The threshold of the number of notify events in the period. This is the rate (counts/period) threshold. A higher rate generates a shell process.
SQLCatalog CDATHub Name of the database in SQL
SQLEnabled True True or False. Bypasses calls to SQLSever
SQLRetryPeriod 30 Retry connection to SQL database in seconds
SQLServerLoc Machine name or location of the SQL Server for logging records. Can be an IP address
WindowHeight 10488
WindowWidth 17076



CDATHub V1.0 (60):

Release 29-4-2011    Minor release

  1. Changes to the rule set. Conforms to DCS document P1517-26-4b


CDATHub V1.0 (59):

Release 5-2-2011

Before starting this version the following changes must be made.

  1. Remove using Microsoft Access the SMTP and Shell columns from the Notification table in CDATHubsys.mdb in the local directory of the application. These parameters are not used.

  2. Make sure there are 30 start up parameters in the StartUp table in the same file.

  3. Finally add the record below to the Notifications table.

ErrorNumber NotifyMessage ShellText Description
10 CDAT Hub Multiple Site Notifications CDATHub has multiple notification events on different sites. Please check application ASAP CDATHub has detected notifications on multiple sites. This may indicate a major problem.

An example of the database is here   CDATHubsys.mdb


Escalation Documentation

  1. The following new parameters will be required for this version. The table below contains the default values.

    Rate of events is determined by the period of time and the number of events in that period. So in the example below to create the rate for all errors use the ShellPeriodErrorRate (600 seconds) and the ShellRateErrorThreshold (3) to create the rate threshold which if exceeded will generate a shell process. So in this example any error which occurs more than 3 times in 600 seconds will produce a shell process. The shell process is also affected by a shell timer which stops messages flooding. This limit is ShellPeriodError in this case a shell for errors can only be generated every 600 seconds. These parameters can be changed at any time.

Key_Description Key_Data Description



The numbers of seconds between shell processes for errors



The number of seconds to measure the number of errors occuring. This is the rate (counts/period)



The number of seconds to measure the number of notifications occuring. This is the rate (counts/period)



The threshold of the number of error events in the period. This is the rate (counts/period) threshold. A higher rate generates a shell process.



The threshold of the number of notify events in the period. This is the rate (counts/period) threshold. A higher rate generates a shell process.



CDAT Hub V1.0 (47):


Release 24-1-2011

Before starting this version check the CDATHubsys.mdb has the following table entries:

If not download the mdb below and check what entries are  missing

  1. check that errorlogs table has 41 entries

  2. check that startup table has 25 entries

  3. check SQL CDATNotifications table has 4 fields

    [PacketID, DateSaved, Site, Notify]

Bug Fixes and changes:

  1. Fixed the log check. If logging fails it will retry in the next period, not every second as in previous versions.

  2. Fixed the SQL Server start up delay.

  3. Fixed log directory failure. If the log dir fails or does not exist then a log directory is created in the local directory.

  4. Fixed email state machine. Remote close problem. Now has a total timeout of 15 seconds. An email must be sent in this time else the socket is closed.


CDAT Hub V1.0 (42):

Release 21-1-2011

This version has the following new features:

Bug Fixes and changes:

  1. Fixed the tooltips for the shell command. also added some extras.

  2. Added Errors back into the logging to email.

  3. fixed notifications to SQL table. the name is now in the Site field rather

  4. Added more data fields to the email. Time stamp and packet.

  5. Fixed the email recipients list

  6. Improved the startup performance and added a progress label.

  7. Fixed the CDAT server grid when adding a new server. (also the same for outputs)

  8. added new process codes look up table.

  9. improved the notification text. made it more readable.

  10. Priority fields removed from ErrorCodes table in CDATHubsys.mdb (do this manually on your file)

  11. Priority fields removed from Notifications table in CDATHubsys.mdb (do this manually on your file)

There is a new table for CDATHubsys.mdb called ProcessCodes. Import it from the database above.

Also update the ErrorCodes table. There are now 42 entries.

CDAT Hub V1.0 (38):

Release 2-12-2010

This version has the following new features:

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed the menu item Exit Ignore Email


  2. If email has an error it always closes the port.


  3. added email timers on the Error code generation

    The new Start-up parameters for timers on Error Code generation are;

    Key_Description Key_Data Description
    EC_EmailPeriod 600 Time in seconds between emails
    EC_NoEvents 10 Number of events before the email period is active
    EC_ShellPeriod 600 Number of seconds between periods of shell program activation during errors

    These parameters should be added manually to the table.


  4. Changed shell operation from <message></message> to adding 3 arguments to the text in the Notification Shell text box.

    The arguments are the text fields from the error tables.

    1. ErrorNumber

    2. ShellText

    3. Description

    The fields are comma delimited to conform with command argument syntax.


  5. On program shutdown the ports are all logically closed.


  6. Added numeric StartUp parameter detection. If a start up parameter is numeric and the database entry is not a numeric value it will use the default value. A log entry is made indicating the field has bad data. (as shown below)


New Features:

  1. Changed the message insert into the SQL table to expand the IPND packet into all its fields. A SQL script for generating this table can be downloaded from here.


  2. The Shell tab now has a log to indicate events for the shell program.


  3. SQL Database failure detection has been added such that any event failure in SQL will toggle a restart process. The process retries every minute.


  4. Added a log highlight for all the logs (except Email Log). Simply double clicking on any line in a log will create the Log Highlight box as shown below which will contain the complete line.



Release 9-11-2010

This version has the following modified features:

The backup concept is if the backup is quite old a new one is created on start-up of the application.

If the backup is recent then it sets the back up timer to the next available period.


  1. The backup has been modified to handle a variety of backup situations. The backup process involves the following times

    1. LastBackUp date/time is the last successful back up of the log.

    2. BackUpTime time field only is the start time of the periodical back up.

    3. BackUpPeriod integer number of hours between backups.

    4. BackUpTimer is the internal timer in the application.


  2. If the LastBackUp is greater than the BackUpPeriod + the LastBackUp then on startup of the application the log will be backed up and the new BackUpTime will be the next backup.

  3. If the LastBackUp is less than the BackUpPeriod + the LastBackUp then the BackUpTimer is set to the BackUpTime. If this BackUpTime is less than the current time it is then set to the BackUpTime + the BackUpPeriod.



CDAT Hub V1.0 (30):

Release 9-11-2010

This version has the following new features:

  1. Added back up time "BackUpTime" into config. This is the time of day that a log backup will commence. The "BackUpPeriod" is the number of hours to the next backup. When a back up is performed the timer is set to the BackUpTime time plus the BackUpPeriod.

    So if the BackUpTime is 02:00:00 am and the period is 24 then it will back up every night at 2:00:00 am.

    If the time string in BackUpTime is not able to be converted into a timestamp or it doesnt exist, the default is 03:01:00 am.


CDATHub V1.0 (28):

Release 4-11-2010

This version has the following new features:

  1. In the Hub Outputs to ANI/ALI Remote close now creates an immediate close then listen on the socket.

  2. Click on any line in the Notify Log and the tool tip will display the full line.


  3. Logs have been changed to include entries for removal of packets from the NoPair Array

  4. Logs have been changed to improve the layout of Notifications.

  5. Pause Button working on CDATServer log

  6. NoPairArray size is now 1000 (was 50)

  7. Added LogName in the config database  (defaults to CDATHub if not in config)

  8. Added LogDir in the config database (defaults to c: in not in config)






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