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Version 229
' build (229) 24/11/2008
' added new field to MDSClient Destination
' this field speeds up allocation of messages to direct connect clients.
' build (227) 6/10/2008
' added port count to watchdog table
' added more debug to AllocateMessPort
' renamed the GetBestPort functions
Version 226
' build (226) 2/9/2008
' added more traps for overflow error
' added print stats every hour
' added MoveSSTAB and RestoreTab
' increased que to 300
' added InsertLog x, SYSTEM_LOG, "", "AIQS: Unable to add new
message. Q Full."
' build (225) 24/9/2007
' added to menu methods for changing the tab control
' added visble, enabled, zorder
' build (224)
' moved input buffer length box.
' maded switch form resizable.
' build (222) fix user01 in netsend
' build (221)
' added cmdRefreshDatasource_Click to connect in Engine.
' build (216)
' changed waitdone status.
' ignore client attempts.
' improved some loging comments
' Build (214) Changed to commdisplay15
' 31/10/2006 Changed SendNext and Send and Engine_Timer
' If ThisMember.BufferSize <> 0 Then
' If SendNext = TCP_BAD Then
' ThisMember.SystemState = STATE_ClosePort
' End If
' End If
' added to allocatemsgport
' InputQ.Inputque(Source).PortResponseTmr = #12:00:00 AM#
' added Unavail if tcp bad
' If CreateSendTCPPkt(temp, InputQ.Inputque(x).port) Then
' InsertLog x, SYSTEM_LOG, InputQ.Inputque(x).QUE.MessId, " CIS: Message
sent to client"
' InputQ.Inputque(x).ClientAtt = InputQ.Inputque(x).ClientAtt + 1
' Else
' InsertLog SYSMESS, SYSTEM_LOG, "", " CIS: TCP failed to Client. Make
Unavailable " & InputQ.Inputque(x).port
' MAIN_FORM.lbComchannelState.Caption = "CLIENT UNAVAIL " &
' SetClientAvailability InputQ.Inputque(x).port, cCLEAR 'clear availability
' UpdateCurrentNetwork InputQ.Inputque(x).port, "UNAVAIL" 'clear this in
case problem leaves it
' 'with a network in it.
' End If
' Build Major change to Hub packet processing. Using ASYNC Buffered.
' (210) 25/10/2006
' status buffer increased to 100
' commdisplay15.frm now separate from CDAT
' moved logging to timer based to speed up group processing
' Log len 200
' changed PortAllocateTmr to time in MDSPortClass WAIT4CLIENT time in
' It is the time to wait for a client to come back on line.
' PortResponseTmr is currently fixed to 20 seconds. It is the time to
' wait for a client to respond to the mess packet sent in qQUED.
' added MDSPortClass table now has Wait4Client and Wait4Port timer settings.
' Build (199) V2.01
' 'stopped timer on frmXMLsender before unloading.
' 'added SystemExpire timer into registry
' 'moved system vars into Local under the module name in registry
' Build (197) V2.00
'added new commdisplay15
'this fixes the tedious do while loops during connect and disconnect.
'changed generatewatchdog cast the date creation.
'found the SwitchWDog was overiding any Hub packets.
'also MDSTCPClient field CCWatchdog should be just hh:mm:ss
'added New code for SMTP Acknowledgement.
'new form frmXMLSender
'new module XMLSender
' Build (185) V1.95
' 'added traps to SwitchOnQControl
' 'added date time to MaxInQ
' Build (183) V1.93
'added more traps to catch overflow.
'increased database hits box width
'changed iinc and Linc
'removed the mcSTAT_SendPkt message control stats
' Build (178) 5/10/2005 V1.92
' added more error traps to catch any overflows errors.
' Build (176) 18/7/2005 V1.92
' added error traps in the frmSwitch to catch any overflows errors.
' fixed counter reset, now adds to log
' Build (174) 6/5/2005
' fixed GetBestPort incrementer had wrong argument
' Build (173) 5/5/2005 V1.91
' added Wait4Client timer. Field is added to MDSClient table.
' field contains the number of seconds from the message
' being sent to the Client then wait for a response.
' If timer expires it sends the message to the backup network
' added reset timer if the client gives good status such as ack,beginpet,stx
' resets the timers for message at that port if they have been sent to
' fixed the timer for the allocatemessbuport. it is reset back to #12:00:00
' when sent to the backup que. This is done so it will be sent to the client
' Build (171) 20/4/2005 V1.90
' changed SwitchOnQControl again.
' added timer for client no response i.e. message still in wait mode
' changed GetPortQ case statements to consider the three scenarios
' 1. clienttablefield.Currentnet are empty
' 2. clienttablefield.Currentnet has value = the currentnet
' 3. clienttablefield.Currentnet has value other than the CurrentNet
' added clear Currentnet on client going unavailable
' Build (169) 1//3/2005
' changed AllocateBackUpPorts to got GETPORT on no
' backup network.
' Build (168) 1/3/2005
' converted all updates to database to type
' SQL "UPDATE" rather than use recordesets.
' Build (164) 28-2-2005
' Changed allocate mess to leave in Q if no ports avail.
' do not go straight to backup.
' added test for event log > 4000 chars
' Build (163) 25-2-2005
' Fixed enable logic processing.
' Build (161) 24-2-2005
' changed AllocateMessPort stop dump on no backup network
' V1.85.01 23-2-2005
' Fixed AMP message
' Removed delete in NOBUNOPORTS will now expire in Q
' V1.85.00 22-2-2005
' Added port sharing.
' Added port network awareness
' Added new ADO. connection provider
' V1.80.00 21-2-2005
' Major change to Data environment now replaced by ADO.
' Added mess id default variable
' Removed all unused logic in the database modules
' V1.70.00 17-2-2005
' Major rewrite of the SystemDB moving more code into SQL statements
' Also moving towards removing the data environment
' New columns in Client table, PortClass and PortType and SerialPort
' from PortAssignment. Not using entries though.
' New columns in Messages. added OriginalDest so that backed up messages
' have an entry so that we know the Destination was the backup
' network.
' Changed SwitchOnQControl again. Added timers to slow the allocate port
' states. Port allocation is now 5 seconds and reallocation is also 5
' Changed AllocateMessPort and AllocateBackUpPorts
' V1.60.00 4-2-2005
' Major changes to the SwitchOnQControl and
' SwitchOnQStatus.
' problems with the status. Created a status ring buffer.
' moved more control to the status switchin
' Improved the overall backup performance.
' Most work orientated around the PSTN deleivery
' V1.55.00 14-12-2004
' Changed Q Control to send messages using the backup network.
' added allocatebackupport
' Improved the switch logic added new state qBACKUPQue.
' V1.50.00 26-11-2004
' Added new Q qBACKUPQue so that messages assigned
' to this Q stay here until delivered by the backup network
' or they expire.
' V1.48.01 15/6/2004
' Removed Stats
' Fixed Activity to netsend problem
' fixed null messid on groups and assoc nets
' V1.47.01 11/6/2004
' Added all the watchdog functions
' New module gWatchdog for all clients and the switch.
' runs at the top timer level
' Added gNetsend and ProcessWatchdog modules
' V1.43.03 6/11/2003
' fixed SendErrorMessage
' now called SendInternalErrMessage
' V1.43.02 5/11/2003
' changed Send Message to SendMessageSOCDirect
' which is an internal add to the que from the Direct Socket.
' V1.43.00 30/10/2003
' small changes to status commands. added new and renamed some
' major change to port reassignment and assoc net allocation.
' renamed MovedBasedOnDestination
' V1.39.00 17/06/2003 removed module class
' V1.38.00 19/5/2003
' added open/close and set to nothing the database connection
' on every backup cycle.
' v1.37.00 2/5/2003
' added status tab
' added p01 and p02 to stats
' added time stamps and reset on the status
' v1.36.00 23/4/2003
' added backup module for log text files
' added error logging check box
' fixed error group on pager not in the database
' V1.35.00 13/4/2003
' added SMS update commands
' V1.34.00 27/3/2003
' fixed message log. changed from table to an insert SQL
' V1.31.00 10/3/2003
' added MDSLog
' V1.30 06/03/2003
' major revision to QControl.
' moved more database stuff to SystemDB from SwitchLogic
' V1.20 28/2/2003
' major change to QControl switching
' V1.16 added PSTN routines
' V1.11 added avgTIQ, improved update
' V1.09 finished switch architecture and database table design
' V1.06 fixed up disconnection added engine timer immediate call
' rearranged the tcphub form unload.
' V1.05 added PortAssignment Queing
' V1.04 cleaned up the coms do loop on the comm type
' for connect and disconnect
' V1.03.00 added MonitorMessage module
' rearranged modules to database not registry