2013 Upgrade





This page is a list of instructions for upgrading MTELPage 2102 to MTELPage 2013

  1. Copy these files from the webpage. Check the version numbers.

    MTELPage.exe V4.0 (398)

    picocell pstn data.mdb    special pstn local.mdb

    MTELQue.exe V1.0(65)    MTELquesys.mdb

    MTELServe_TCP.exe V4.0 (539)


  2. backup the c:\pager\system directory.


  3. copy the new picocell pstn data.mdb file. This file will only work with the new applications. It is not a superset of the old file. It is a subset as some tables have been deleted and rationalised.

    This file has the new Queue field in Picocell Sites table. The CSErrors table has been removed. The CSDefines has been improved. ServerID has been removed.


  4. Create a "Servers" directory and copy MTELServe_TCP.exe. Then create 4 shortcuts for S01 to S04

    In the shortcuts add the argument 1,2,3 or 4 for each server shortcut. Put copies on the desktop and label them S01 TCP to S04 TCP so the shortcuts can coexist with the old servers shortcuts.

    e.g.   "C:\pager\MTELserve_TCP.exe" 1


  5. Run up the first server and click on menu item "Maintenance" "Force Registry" "Save Now". This will add the new fields for connecting to the Modems and MTELQue. Stop the application. Now do the same for the other 3 servers.


  6. Now edit the mtelsrv_s01.exe with Access. Note all Registry entries are case sensitive.

    MODEM_ADDRESS and MODEM_PORT are the Modmax sockets. The Modmax serial ports need to be 2400,8,N,1. TCPServer mode. The MTELServer is the client in this TCP connection.

    QUE_ADDRESS and QUE_PORT are the sockets for connecting to MTELQue. QUE ADDRESS is bound to the IP address in case there is more than 1 NIC. These are listener ports.

    Key_Description Key_Data Key_Dialog Key_ListValues Key_Default


    MODEM_PORT 9001




    QUE_PORT 9101



    Note the CycleTest records have been removed.

    There are currently 43 records in the Registry.

    Edit the other server databases.


  7. Now restart the MTELServer's and observe the System Log. The banners should all show different names. S01 MTELserveTCP 2013. The log should show the server trying to communicate and download the settings to the modem.


  8. Create a "pager\MTELQue" directory and copy in the MTELque directory and the MTELquesys.mdb file


  9. Edit the MTELPage table in MTELQuesys.mdb for all the MTELPage Clients required. The easiest would be C01, C02 etc. The ports selected should obviously not conflict with any other application such as the MTELRelay.


  10. Edit the Outputs table. There is a entry for each MTELServer. These are the sockets defined in MTELServe Registry table.


  11. Edit the StartUp table.
    1. Change the FServer to "c:\pager"
    2. Leave LogsDIR as "." (the current directory)
    3. Edit MTELPageNIC the MTELPage sockets are bound to this address. It should be the local IP.
    4. Edit the ServerID to a name for the banner. e.g. "MTEL Queue Cairns"


  12. Start up MTELQue and observe the connections in the MTELServer's TCP Log.

    On the MTELQue "MTELServe" tab the Server responses should be visible in the log.


  13. Copy over the new MTELPage executable. Start the local C99 Client and perform a Force Registry. Then shutdown the client. Open up the C:\mtelsys\mtelpagesysTCP.mdb Access file.


  14. Edit the Registry table fields QUEAddress and QUEPort. These were assigned listeners in the MTELPage tab in MTELQue.


  15. Set RelayEnabled to False.


  16. Save the file and start MTELPage. It should look the same. Now go to the menu and click on Queue. It will show the current state of the Relay, Queue and MTELServes. It will take about 30 seconds to populate correctly. This is new.


  17. Under Configuration in the menu is Show Que Log and Show Relay Log. These logs will display the messages to and from the Que, Relay and MTELPage. These logs are also archived to text files and stored in the usual c:\pager\logs.

    The old MTELPage text logs from this directory could be cleared.


  18. Try now sending a message in MTELPage. If the Queue tab is selected in MTELQue, a line is shown for each message in the Queue.


  19. The operation of the modems in the MTELServes will look very much the same as previous applications.


  20. Note that in all applications there is a Delete button in the Queue tabs. This is used only if the messages are stuck for an unexplained reason. Once the applications are stable this button will be hidden in future releases.



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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022