MTELpage 2014 is a minor
upgrade to MTELPage 2013. It provides the final link in the new messaging
infrastructure for DCS. The new paging infrastructure provides redundancy
between MTELPage and the MDS systems in Springhill and QEOC. It also
provides consistency between the MTELPage and VisiCAD despatch systems as
the local MTELPage databases are merged with the MDS Brisbane databases.
MTELpage 2013 introduced all the new gateways, relay and queues. MTELPage
2014 completes the process by allowing a message to be directed to a
specific network through the MDS system rather than the MDS containing all
the grouping and messaging to associated networks.
MTELPage 2014 looks identical to MTELPage 2013, the main changes are in the
message transfer which are invisible to the user.
MTELPage 2014 will however provide faster messaging to the Vodafone paging
network, 3G SMS networks and WBB Picocell networks. These carriers have
direct connections to the networks and therefore dial-up times will be
eliminated in all these messages originated from MTELPage 2014.