Not all messages are treated equal in MTELPage. In
general pagers are used for turnouts.
SMS are generally used for;
Backup to picocells when;
Picocell pager coverage is exhausted
Picocell outages e.g. storm damage.
For this reason pagers are the only devices allowed
a priority through the MTELPage to MDS system.
To make the pager jump the queues as it makes it
ways through to the MDS, it must be marked as a priority message. The queues
in the MDS are regularly above 50 messages and are often above 150 messages.
So jumping to the first position is vital.
Pager messages for turnouts
are considered a priority. In the new system if MTELPage has a red
box net to the client name then it has been marked as a turnout pager and
therefore a priority pager. Note this only applies to individuals. If a
group (coloured in yellow) has a red mark it is for visual purposes only.
The group members must have the red box. The diagram below shos the red box
for some sites.
If a SMS is marked accidentally as a priority it
will be overwritten by MTELPage back to normal so that it doesn't block a
priority pager message. This is very important when groups are created for a
turnout and the group contains a mixture of pager and SMS messages.
Hutchison and SMS Delivery
Currently all SMS and Hutchison messages are sent
directly to the MDS in Brisbane.
SMS is used as an administration pager as therefore
it is possible to delay these in preference for pager messages. This is very
important now that messages for all 14 Comms centres are using the MDS.
These SMS are now throttled slightly so the MDS can process pager messages
and VisiCAD messages. Unfortunately VisiCAD does not have a priority system,
so the MTELPage MDS system was created to help bypass SMS from the VisiCAD
allowing it to delivery turnout and acute messages as fast as possible
through the MDS.
If a Hutchison pager is also not marked as a
priority then it will have the same priority as SMS.
It is extremely important to only
mark turnout pagers as a priority. If all pagers are marked as a priority
then multiple messages will block turnout messages as the system will not be
able to prioritise messages with equal priority.
For this reason regular audits of the databases will
be performed by MTEL to maximise this concept.
Picocell Messages
Picocell messages are currently being delivered to
the local MTELServes. WBB messages are dialled directly to MTELGateway. All
other picocell messages are sent directly to the picocell using PSTN and
ISDN and in a few cases cellphone circuit switched.
When the direct WBB link is installed by EOY 2014
then WBB will also go via the MDS.