PC2016 3 Channel Alarm Card





1.    General Description

The PC2016 is the main alarm card for the picocell systems. Current Revision is Hardware PC2016 Rev C. Firmware V1.01 March 2000. Checksum 8787.

It has 3 independent and opto isolated channels. Each channel is assigned a canned message which can be sent to one or more pagers.

PC2016 3 Channel 12-24Volts













There are two versions of this card. The older style is a fuse protected contact closure, the newer with a orange connector is a 12-24 volt input.

The card sends status information to the PC203 Access card over the SAS bus. As well as the 3 channels the push button status on the front of the card is also sent in the status packet.

The functionality of the PC2016 is solely determined by the software running in the PC203 Access card. Like all other auxiliary function cards the function of the PC2016 is simply to report the status of the 3 channels and the push button. The card itself does not generate messages.

The card may be inserted or removed at any time. However on inserting the PC2016 card the PC203 will receive status information immediately and will act on the state of the alarms. It is best to connect the contact alarms to the front connector and make sure they are in the quiescent state before plugging in the PC2016.













2.    Alarm Configuration

The alarm operation is defined in the PC203 card. The configuration is set up in the "picocell pstn data.mdb" database which is used to compile the executable code and database information for the PC203 card. The SiteAlarm table defines the settings which are used to determine the canned messaging of the alarm card. The example below are the definitions for the canned messages attached to the alarm channels.

CustomerID Picocell_SiteID Alarm_Name SeqNo Alarm_Text
QFRA RAVENSHOE_NG _ACT_ALARMS: 1 db 'AFA Fire alarm paging now operational',0dh,0h
QFRA RAVENSHOE_NG _ALARM1_pager: 1 81257

The SiteFG table defines the settings which are used to determine the operation of the alarm card. The example below are the definitions for the alarm timings attached to the alarm channels.

Picocell_SiteID SeqNo String_Name String_Text Description
RAVENSHOE_NG 5 ALARM_LEVEL equ 01h 01h means level based alarms. 0h means any toggle creates a message
RAVENSHOE_NG 6 ALARM_MASK equ 01h 0h to 07h . Each bit turns on the alarm. 01h turns on channel 1. 07 turns all three on.
RAVENSHOE_NG 7 ALARM_ACTIVE_LO equ 01h 01h means loss of 12 volts is active or closed circuit is active
RAVENSHOE_NG 8 ALARM_PAGE_RESET equ 0h a 01h means a message is sent if the alarm is reset.
RAVENSHOE_NG 9 ALRM_RPT equ 0h a 01h means the message will be repeated if continued in active state
RAVENSHOE_NG 14 ALARM_DISABLE equ 0h a 01h disables all alarms
RAVENSHOE_NG 33 c_ALARM_FILTER_1 equ 030h this is the delay time before activating the alarm. 030h is about one second
RAVENSHOE_NG 34 c_ALARM_FILTER_2 equ 0300h this is the delay time before activating the alarm. 0300h is about 60 seconds
RAVENSHOE_NG 35 c_ALARM_FILTER_3 equ 0300h this is the delay time before activating the alarm
RAVENSHOE_NG 36 c_ALARM_RPT equ 0h this is the repeat time delay


The Alarm_Level should be 01h in most systems. This means it is a logic level based alarm. That is a logic level determines the active state of the alarm.

The Alarm_Mask is a bit mask where a logic 1 activates the alarm channel.

  1. 01h is channel 1
  2. 02h is channel 2
  3. 04h is channel 3

The Alarm_Active_Lo is the polarity of the active state for the alarm. This state has different meanings for the two cards.

The segment display shows the state of the alarm. The polarity is governed by the database entry.

Voltage Input Cards: (Orange connector)

Loss of Voltage the segment goes out. Connect 12-24 Volts and the segment lights up.

A 01h means the active input for voltage based cards is the loss of voltage and the segment goes out.

A 0h means conversely, the active state is the application of 12-24Volts.

Contact Closure Cards:   (Grey or Black connector)

Close the contact the segment goes out. Open the contact the segment lights up.

A 01h means the active input is a closed contact and the segment goes out.

A 0h means conversely, the active state is the opening of the contact.

The polarity state of the channel can be visually checked on the 8 segment display. If the Alarm_Active_Lo is set to 01h then the active condition is when the segment goes out. This is a fail safe condition.

The eight segment display alarm position is shown in the diagram below..




2.    Connecting the PC2016

The diagram below shows the connection to the 12-24volt model. Pins 1,3, and 5 are the positive inputs.




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