




  1. Focus

    The CDATHub application operates on CLI details from a variety of sources and a rule set to provide a redundant CLI feed to the DCS ANI-ALI.

    This document is intended for operators of the CDAT system. It is assumed the reader has an understanding of the external sub-systems such as ANI-ALI, TServers, VisiCAD and CDAT.


  2. Overview

    CDATHub is a single application which in conjunction with other distributed applications perform the task of providing redundant feeds of CLI 000 information to VisiCAD operators.

    CDATHub is a TCP connected application which accepts CLI details from regional centres and the central CLI feed. The data is then passed through a set of rules which have been installed into a state machine, and a decision is created to send or not send a redundant CLI data packet to the ANI-ALI. Data packets are sent to ANI-ALI if it has been determined that data packets have not arrived in a timely manner in the redundant process.

    The Hub is configured from an Access database with connection details of all the TCP sockets and operational parameters required to enable the application to perform the rules and report on any anomalies in its operation.

    The TCP connections into and out of the Hub are designated CDATServers and Hub Outputs respectively. CDATServers are the regional centre applications collecting 000 CLI details from the local Telstra routers. Hub Outputs are the ANI-ALI devices which receive a packet based on the rule set.

    Apart from the input and output systems there are logs and status information showing the internal operation of the application.

    Errors can routed to a mail server and or a message server to alert support staff of any problems encounted by the Hub.

    In general once the application starts there is no need to stop it. All relevant configuration changes can be made in the application whilst it is operating. Changes are acted on immediately and reflected in the human interfaces for confirmation.


  3. Data Flow

    The 000 CLI data packet (IPND) originates from Telstra and is delivered to the regional centre and a centralised data collection point by routers on Telstra's private TCP network.

    For each 000 call generated, an IPND is sent to the region and a second to the central device. Each IPND is processed by the CDATServer application running on dedicated workstations in both locations.

    The diagram below shows the IPND data flow once the IPND has entered the CDAT system.


    Packets are routed to CDATServers, Central CDATServer and TServers. These devices send packets to the CDATHub and are all inputs into the Hub.

    The Hub must be configured to handle all the TCP connections to these devices and it does this using a local Access database. See Configuration tab on this page.


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022