




CDATHub Configuration

  1. CDATServer tab

    The CDATServer tab configures the Hub for all TCP connections to the regional MIO's (previously CDATServers).

    The CDATServer tab is divided into two with a grid displaying the configuration of each server and the lower window is a log of activity specific to the MIOs.

    The Servers are stored in a data grid which is a visible connection directly into the Access database CDATServer table. Each entry is a socket and the sockets are loaded on startup.

    When the display is in read only mode (normal mode) it is blue. In Edit mode it is red. It will timeout if left in the edit mode for too long.

    The lower display is the log for the servers only. The newest log enters from the top. The pause button stops the display from updating so that the scroll bar can be used to look at data entries. After a preset time has expired the log will print out the latest and continue.












Field descriptions

The fields in the display that pertain to each socket are explained below.

  1. Description  

    This is the name of the remote CDATServer. The name is not textually significant to the application however it is used extensively in logs to identify the TCP connection (socket) and it makes the log more readable.

  2. Active

    This enables the socket. This is a client so it stops the client from creating a socket to the remote server.


  3. Store        

    This enables the records from this socket to be stored into the SQL database.


  4. Address     

    This is the address of the TCP socket


  5. Port           

    This is the port of the TCP socket.


  6. NoPair1       

    This is the time in seconds the socket has in which to receive a matched record from the paired record source. i.e. all records have a duplicate regional and central pair.


  7. EmailEnabled

    This enables emails for the Server.


  8. NoEvents

    This is the minimum number of events to occur before sending an email.


  9. EmailPeriod

    This is the minimum period between emails


  10. ShellEnable

    This enables the running of a shell command on the detection of errors. The shell command is an internal windows command shell launched from the CDATHub application which is configured to run a batch file or windows application independently of the CDATHub application. The command is launched in a separate non-modal window and its operation therefore is independent of CDATHub.


  11. ShellPeriod

    This is the minimum period between shell command activations.


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022