CDATServer tab configures the Hub for all TCP connections
to the regional MIO's (previously CDATServers).
The CDATServer tab is divided into two with a grid
displaying the configuration of each server and the lower window is a log of
activity specific to the MIOs.
The Servers are stored in a data grid which
is a visible connection directly into the Access database
CDATServer table. Each entry is a socket and the sockets are
loaded on startup.
When the display is in read only mode
(normal mode) it is blue. In Edit mode it is red. It will
timeout if left in the edit mode for too long.
The lower display is the log for the
servers only. The newest log enters from the top. The pause
button stops the display from updating so that the scroll bar
can be used to look at data entries. After a preset time has
expired the log will print out the latest and continue.