Release List





MTEL TCP TestGenerator V(69)

Release 21/5/2020    AML test features

  1. Type 5 packets have the AML time tags replaced by the current time when loaded in from a file.

     If Left(XMLStringFile(X), 11) = "<Date_Sent>" Then
    XMLStringFile(X) = "<Date_Sent>" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "</Date_sent>"
    End If
    If Left(XMLStringFile(X), 11) = "<Time_Sent>" Then
    XMLStringFile(X) = "<Time_Sent>" & Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") & "</Time_Sent>"
    End If
    If Left(XMLStringFile(X), 29) = "<AML_Time_of_Positioning_TOP>" Then
    XMLStringFile(X) = "<AML_Time_of_Positioning_TOP>" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "</AML_Time_of_Positioning_TOP>"
    End If


  2. To refresh the time the file is reloaded.


MTEL TCP TestGenerator V(68)

Release 14/5/2020    AML test features

  1. Type 5 socket now remains connected and responds to heartbeats.
  2. The heartbeats appear in the log.


MTEL TCP TestGenerator V(67)

Release 16/4/2020    AML test features

  1. Added second socket for type 5 AML/XML records.
  2. Packets can only be sent to one output socket.

When the record type is selected via the option buttons, the test frame changes.

Type 4 has the legacy test functions allowing the user to build different record types.

Type 5 frame has just the file testing. The file contains the XML data to be sent.

To change or select the file, click on the text box and the dialog box appears.

The selection is set to *.xml files

The file will load and the XML contents displayed in the log.




MTELTestGenerator Beta V(65)

Release 19/9/2014

  1. Fixed all PUSH MOLI records with incorrect fields.


MTELTestGenerator Beta V(60)

Release 9/7/2014

  1. Fixed max fields.


MTELTestGenerator Beta

Release 16/6/2014

  1. This version runs a single TCP connection to the Telstra IP Client


New MTEL 000 Generator V1.10(51):

Release 3-11-2010

This version has the following new features

  1. TCP failure counter and timestamp. This indicates how many packets do not get a response in 2 seconds. It also comes with a reset counter. The reset only resets the delayed response counter.



  2. Packet Timer. In the log is the time the response took to return to the generator. This diagram shows a packet response of 120 milliseconds.


  3. Two extra command lines arguments. There are now 10.

    First argument is the port

    Second argument is the IP address

    Third argument is IP Enable    ( True or False)

    Fourth argument is the port 2

    Fifth argument is the IP address 2

    Sixth argument is IP Enable  2  ( True or False)

    Seventh is the cycle period in seconds

    Eighth argument is the application name to be placed in the title bar

    Ninth argument is the Run Control. If True it will start the file packet control automatically.

    Tenth argument is the file name of the data file. It must be in the current directory.

    The batch file command example is;

    start mtel000generator.exe 7005 False 7018 True 20 Cairns_QAS_000  True ipnd3.x01

  4. The packet cycle control has been changed to give unlimited packets using a check box.

    If the command line argument No 9 is true (Run control) is assumes the packets are automatic and therefore an unlimited set is required. At start up the Unlimited checkbox will then be ticked. If  a fixed set of packets is to be set then arg 9 must be False meaning a manual start up of the cycle control.


New MTEL 000 Generator V1.10(47):

Release 22-10-2010

This MTEL 000 Generator looks for files with x01 extension. So all existing log files will work directly with this version. The previous ipnd3.dat will not work with this version.

Clicking on the file list box will bring up all *.x01 in the current directory. This will also close the last file and restart a file at the beginning.

There are some minor log changes with additional information on processing log files and opening files.


MTEL 000 Generator V1.10(46):

Release 6-10-2010

This MTEL 000 Generator provides for command line arguments. The ipnd3.dat file should reside in the current directory. On start up the application will automatically look for .\ipnd3.dat in the current directory and will open it. It will not run the file this has to be started manually.

The Stop/Start has been changed. Clicking start no longer opens a file. It is already opened when the program starts. If the counter is greater than 0 packets just resume from where they left off. If the counter is 0 it re-opens the file and restarts the process. Clicking on the file text box brings up the file dialog text box.

The new command line structure has the following syntax. Arguments are separated by spaces therefore no arguments should have spaces.


First argument is the port

Second argument is the IP address

Third argument is IP Enable    ( True or False)

Fourth argument is the port 2

Fifth argument is the IP address 2

Sixth argument is IP Enable  2  ( True or False)

Seventh is the cycle period in seconds

Eighth argument is the application name to be placed in the title bar


The batch file command example is;

start mtel000generator.exe 7005 False 7018 True 20 Cairns_QAS_000


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022