Revision List





OPC Downloads:

OPC    V2.3 (145) 2021         6/9/2021

  1. fixed EOT timers expire on end of transmission of watchdog packets.
  2. Short PET checkbox removed in PSTN versions of OPC.



OPC    V2.3 (144) 2021         30/7/2021

  1. added test for watchdog not to impact on general messaging.
  2. fixed Msg box pop up on test button. added date time to message
  3. checked close event from DirectHost.
  4. added WAIT_DELETE flag to wait for delete request from Switch.


OPC    V2.3 (139) 2021         26/5/2021

  1. added set unavailable on a remote or local close


OPC    V2.3 (137) 2021         24/5/2021

  1. Fixed remote close event.



OPC    V2.3 (135) 2016         20/6/2016

  1. Changed progress bar to a shape.
  2. removed windows control box.
  3. added WAITACK to settings. The wait time is in milliseconds  (limits are 1000 to 30,000)

    WAITACK =5000;   is new recommended setting for OPC to DirectHost.  default is 2000.

    this setting is displayed in the Status Tab  PET frame.

    This setting was changed to allow for longer ACK times from the DirectHost OPC interface which gets it ack from the picocell. This time can be in excess of 2 seconds.


  4. small cleanup on display positions


OPC    V2.2 (130) 2013         14/1/2013

  1. Changed the status when the message is added to the FIFO queue. There were processing problems with messages with unusual status after being re-routed.


OPC    V2.2 (129) 2012         11/12/2012

  1. Fixed Bug on PET look for new messages if que is not empty.
  2. Changed the PET display to show the que position in the display.
  3. Fixed que display
  4. Removed display controls which were not in use
  5. Added some functions from PET Processor to function log.


OPC    V2.1 (127) 2012         2-5-2012

  1. Changed Short PET to ignore EOT after a block of messages. Hutchison shuts down the port for 5 seconds when it receives a EOT. This delays the next set of messages.
  2. added new states in the serial routines. these are better routines.

  3. added modem factory, init and prepend dial string to Client table. Was previously in Network table. The factory string is slightly different it is in the StartUp parameter list.


OPC    V2.1 (125) 2011         22-3-2011

  1. Changed the database open/close to every minute if there are database errors
  2. added warning that watchdog pager number is being rejected

  3. changed the modem status in DIRECT mode to reflect the host state more accurately

  4. added EOT in the watchdog test.

  5. changed watchdog pager number to Hutchison from hard coded to settings as "WDOG_NO" and changed PET box in Status flag to show this setting after the application has started. see picture below.

  6. moved queue counts to the front window from status tab

  7. changed PET cr wait from 4 to 2 seconds on test PET

  8. improved the PET out stx string just one call to output rather than a call for each character.

  9. Added SHORTPET in settings. There is a check box in the Status tab to temporarily override the settings for the life of the application.

  10. removed packet counters from status tab.





18-2-2011    Upgraded MTELRelay and PagerDEC documentation


Latest OPC V2.01 (122)        This is the latest exec.

V2.01(122)  2/9/2010

This is a small release.

Bug fixes:

1.    Fixed counters again on Status Tab. Fixed spelling

2.    Changed new debug to work for serial as well as TCP connections

3.    Added the error list to the load function message box. On error the message box now lists the errors so the user doesn't have to go to logs to see the problem.

4.    Added "Client Ready" command to Switch after a successful hangup on modem after a failed call. The failed call might be lack of progress or B party hang up.

This should speed up the return to normal after a fault. It assumes the fault is temporary.



Latest OPC V2.00 (120)       

V2.00(120)  30/7/2010

This is a medium sized release.

It introduces a TCP connection for all formats.

Bug fixes:

1.    Changed the timing on the test routines to get the OPC back on line as quickly as possible.

2.    The initialisation has been extensively modified to cater for the TCP additions.

3.    More debug appears in the system window. The expected strings from the modem and how long the OPC will wait for a response is now printed. In the example below the text

"Looking for string <ID=> - 4000" indicates the OPC is expecting the string ID= in 4000 milliseconds.

4.    In the Client table the field OutputMethod the SERIAL argument is accepted as is COMPORT. Serial should be phased out and COMPORT will replace it.

5.    There has been significant string processing added as the TCP was not stripping CR LF characters.

6.    The string processing on the absence of data in the Client table has been improved. Sometimes a NULL value affected the OPC.

7.    Added a Test Now button. This simply expires the current timer and sets the HOST available flag to false. Then it starts the normal test cycle.

If however a message is being sent at the time then a decision box appears as shown below. It allows you to reject the test or interrupt a current problem.

If however a message is being sent at the time then a decision box appears as shown below. It allows you to reject the test or interrupt a current problem.






V2.00(120)  30/7/2010

This is a medium sized release.

It introduces a TCP connection for all formats.

Bug fixes:

1.    Changed the timing on the test routines to get the OPC back on line as quickly as possible.

2.    The initialisation has been extensively modified to cater for the TCP additions.

3.    More debug appears in the system window. The expected strings from the modem and how long the OPC will wait for a response is now printed. In the example below the text

"Looking for string <ID=> - 4000" indicates the OPC is expecting the string ID= in 4000 milliseconds.

4.    In the Client table the field OutputMethod the SERIAL argument is accepted as is COMPORT. Serial should be phased out and COMPORT will replace it.

5.    There has been significant string processing added as the TCP was not stripping CR LF characters.

6.    The string processing on the absence of data in the Client table has been improved. Sometimes a NULL value affected the OPC.

7.    Added a Test Now button. This simply expires the current timer and sets the HOST available flag to false. Then it starts the normal test cycle.

If however a message is being sent at the time then a decision box appears as shown below. It allows you to reject the test or interrupt a current problem.

If however a message is being sent at the time then a decision box appears as shown below. It allows you to reject the test or interrupt a current problem.



 V1.65 [91]    15-7-2006

compiled with the new commdisplay15

added me.caption for initialisation debug

 V1.64     26/8/2005

           fixed bad print statement in AddToInputQueFIFO

 V1.63     22/8/2005

            found three problems. The first is the AIQF was originally an array

            of 30 inputs. Messages for any network were sent and OPC had to

            decide which ones to send to the same network. Then introduced the ghost

            image message so that failed messages could be returned.

            This converted the fifo back to one message at a time.

            Then the new switch allowed multiple of the same network and so

            reconverted back to switch sending multiples of the same network.

            The fifo though wasnt checking for the next empty que position.

            This overwrite some messages in large group situations.


            This problem created several back to the switch. Messages would expire

            in que unexpectedly as return status was overwritten with the wrong

            message ID. Some messages could be lost.


            Second problem was ConnectModem had a bad select statement.

            Also added the assumption that the mode was in command mode and

            so changed the modem status to command.


            Third problem

            ModemBusy on a test was a lock out. missed the status in the

            select case.


            Added tmr error handling.


 V1.62 (84)23/7/2005


           Private Sub CheckQueStatusDirect(x As Integer)

               Select Case (InputQ.Inputque(x).QUe.Status)

                   Case qQUEPORT, qWAITPORT, qWAIT, qQ2BUPORT

           these are possible status from Switch added in Q2BUPORT as

           failed on a leased line P03.


           also changed this function as P04 did not know what to do with

           deleted status

            Private Sub CheckQNewMessage()  called on valid message and "CONNECTED"


                Dim temp2 As QDestList


                If PETState = pIDLE Or PETState = pWaitNEXTpkt Then


                    Select Case InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.Status



                    Case mCONN, qQUEPORT, qWAITPORT, qWAIT, qQ2BUPORT

                        If InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.Destination = gModemNetwork Then

                            PETState = pINITPET   start the pet protocol on the current clientpointer

                            InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.Status = "PInit"

                            Insertlog InputQ.ClientPointer, SYSTEM_LOG, InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.MessId, ("CQQC: First message for same network [" & InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.Destination & "]")

                            Exit Sub


                            gSendEOTNow = True

                            Debug.Print Now & " PM Pet is idle or waiting. New message not same network."

                        End If


                    Case qMESSEXPQ, qMESSDELETED

                        InputQ.Inputque(InputQ.ClientPointer).QUe.Status = pDONE


                    End Select




                End If


            End Sub




 V1.61 (83)19/7/2005

           changed CheckQueStatusMODEM agin to include more states when a

           message arrives and the modem is not in idle state.

           added HangModem and ConnectModem to the ModemCommand module these

           take the global modem status into consideration when reassigning the

           modem control.


 V1.60(81) 3/5/2005

Public Function IsQEmpty() As Boolean


                Case qQ2BUPORT, qQUEPORT

                    IsQEmpty = False

           added qQ2BUPORT in the isqempty.


 V1.58(80) 3/5/2005

           added modemdialogstate = didle in

           Private Sub CheckQueStatusMODEM(x As Integer)

           Case gMS_PortOpened


 V1.58(79) 3/5/2005

           found problem with test port. opening port and new message is recieved

           it will lock out the processing of the test routine and the processing of

           the message.

           changed openport status to connect the modem in this situation.

           Private Sub CheckQueStatusMODEM(x As Integer)

           Case gMS_PortOpened

               DisplayFunction "CQSM: Bad Status " & gModemSTATUS

               ModemDialogTESTState = dIDLE  cancel test here

               ConnectModem (x)



 V1.57(76) 19/4/2005

           added function list and changed gModemStatus status to constants

           added extra status case statements.

           removed function options replaced with function list

           and the timer so that long timers are seen to be running



 V1.56(70) 18/4/2005

           Found the message is repeated sent if it has not been deleted by the

           switch. Any delays in processing the deletes caused the message to be

           repeated sent to the host.



 V1.55(69) 1/3/2005

           Fixed EOT timer. DISCONNECTING was activating before EOT timer expired.

           added lockout. Could not hang up until pet was idle. ie finish eot timer.



 V1.55(61) 28/2/2005

           Changed MODEM Unavail to start the modem hang sequence

           New logic for message processing.

           PET handles all additional messages in Q provided they are for same destination.

           PET wil exhaust the Q for same network. Then Process message will take over

           ProcessMessages has been simplified.


           Added new global state "DISCONNECTING" during this time no messages will be




 V1.53.00  14/12/2004

           Changed ConnectModem. wasnt picking up the new number when reallocated the port

           Added more states to CheckQueStatusMODEM to try hanging up

           changed the unavail to fewer states.


 V1.52.00  22/11/2004

           changed PET processor fallback routines

           changed serialcomsdl  removed delay at end of incoming packet

           in DIRECT mode label indicates either host ok or no host

           added change in test timer period if unavail in direct mode.



 V1.51.00  added dial string to log.

           added modem state to log.

           moved test for dial tone to 30 mins

           moved test direct port every 5 minutes.

           added ISDN/PSTN/DIRECT message flow control and port testing



 V1.50.01  Fixed nodialtone to make client unavailable

           revision number added.

           added more states in the modem testing


 V1.49.01  Added tool tips to lstboxes.

           Fixed passwd going to pet.

           It is looked up in the modem parameter fetch and set as a global

           in the pet.


 V1.48.01  Changed the processing of the DIRECT port to test more often

           when port is bad. Also changed some labels  and updates.



 V1.47.00  Added the function processing frame for high volume functions.

           and function window for low volume functions.


 V1.42.00  ordered the start up of the modules


 V1.42.00  removed module class


 V1.41.00  added database close on backup


 V1.40.00  added status tab


 V1.39.00  added error logging and back up  modules


 V1.38.02  added database hits

           fixed rlog class ident was 8 chars ?? not 3


 V1.38.00  31/3/2003

           changed the EOT timer, Banner timer and the progress banner

           added Que counters

           changed EOT code again

           QUE now has a done state pending a delete from the switch

           Messages now delivered in one second


 V1.32.00  17/3/2003

           added PNumberFormat in database for pico numbers 7,Z


 V1.31.00  10/03/2003

           moved to database logging

           added more counters


 V1.30.03  05/03/2003

           added delete ack via cc to switch.


 V1.30.02  28/2/2003

           added m type Status messages and p and c types


 V1.20.01  18/02/2003

           changed pet number to variable not fixed 10 digit.


 V1.20.00  added isqempty on the send eot

           added extra log on pet

           increase pet wait cr timer to 1 second because MOBILENET too slow


 V1.19.00  added change to pet stx timer


 V1.17.00  added test facility on direct pet


 V1.16.00  fixed testcr sending too many CC messages

           fixed delete command source address

           fixed pet cr too many messages

 V1.12.00  added DELETE command


 V1.06.00  added outgoing pkts count and

           added comport and settings from database

           added msg box on input TCP buffer overflow


 V1.05.00  added PET module



 V1.03.00  added module info


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022