Revision List





WhispirGate  Downloads: 


22/4/2024    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(22) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. fixed MH in MTELPage large groups. Index did not look for a free MH array element.

    symptoms were large MTELPage groups failed to get whispir ID in History.

    some messages had incorrect whispir id.


  2. fixed swFAIL now swHTTPFAIL




22/4/2024    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(20) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. removed Whispir_QAS restriction

  2. added UseAlphaMobileNumbers to config. It allows the use of dummy alpha numbers for testing.

  3. default is False, absence of config is the default.



20/2/2024    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(17) Official Release


This is a minor release. Emergency FIX

Bug Fix:

  1. fixed common message processing. check if number is non mobile ie GPUID

  2. added multiple Whispir ID to message log

  3. checks that all members of a group are mobiles when assembling the packet to send to Whispir.


19/7/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(16) Official Release


This is a medium release.

Bug Fix:

  1. split watchdog for hub and HTTP.

  2. added reset and expire timer logic to speed up recovery from a fault.

  3. Only Hub timer can set client availability

  4. HTTP can clear availability on any fault.

  5. Improved Hub connection testing.



14/7/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(15) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. Fixed watchdog reset problem on SendSMS thread from switch



14/7/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(14) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. Fixed watchdog reset problem now set to 10 seconds on a failure. Watchdog expires immediately on a failure.

  2. Unchecked HTTP fail checkbox if simulate is unchecked



14/7/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(13) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. Fixed watchdog reset problem

  2. Moved HTTP fail checkbox to config tab



6/7/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(11) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

  1. Added REST disconnect at the end of the session.

  2. Added log time to all REST error messages. Time of the log entry creation.




19/5/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(8) Official Release


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

Removed test for Whispir on startup. Leave this to the watchdog function.

Added Simulate comment in the Application title bar when active.




27/3/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(7)


This is a minor release.

Bug Fix:

Fixed password display



24/3/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(6)


This is a minor release.

New Function:

Added the GET and POST debug log. backup



Bug Fix:

Fixed Whispir multiple mobiles into packets.


27/2/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(4)


This is a medium release.

New Function:

Added the GET and POST debug log.

Added some logging to debug to indicate the new groups.

Added message ID search capability



27/2/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(3)


This is a minor release.

Fix Simulate Check box



23/2/2023    Official release WhispirGate V2.0(2)

This is a medium release.

This upgrade adds Group capability to the input packets.

Mobiles can now be individual or sent as a Group identified by its GPUID

  1. GPUID packet identified by the network and the Source Number.

  2. The network identifies one of two group types. 

    The Group_Alias network is the deprecating previous pager number sent to Vodafone.

    The GPUID network is the new Group Identifier.

  3. The GPUID is now used as a key to look up the new MDSGroup table.

  4. The GPUID_Alias is used if the GPUID is missing.

  5. The GPUID must be manually enabled by the Editor to make the GPUID work.

  6. Pager numbers or non mobile numbers are screened out of the Group before sending to Telstra Whispir.

  7. JSON parsing of illegal characters is performed before sending packet to Whispir.

  8. Added EnableDebugLog to the config. It sets the checkbox in the config tab.


To run the application the new networks must be added to the network table.





14/9/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(26)

This is a minor release.

  1. fixed multiple packet id to whispir id update to database


14/9/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(25)

This is a minor release.

  1. fixed HTTP Fault set client to unavailable


14/9/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(23)

This is a minor release.

  1. added HTTP Fault check box back in

  2. added logging if HTTP check box is changed


13/9/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(22)

This is a minor release.

  1. changed log name to system_log_whispir_xxx.txt

  2. added debug log to c:\logs

  3. debug renamed to system_log_whispir_debug_xxx.txt

  4. added checkbox to run logging in debug

  5. on start up always send test.

  6. on 10 failures on the watchdog GET. It will send a test.


9/9/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(21)

This is a medium release.

  1. added to ClientConfig as SERVER_SMS_SUBJECT

  2. fixed up logging in Whispir tab

  3. all Whispir log now sent to disk in the local directory in file system_log_w01.txt

  4. changed the DBaseConnectionReady flag to a function. It now checks the state of the database connection and will reopen the database if closed.


22/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(19)

This is a minor release.

  1. added Test message to ClientConfig as SERVER_TEST_MESSAGE

  2. fixed UpdateWhispirID in common lib SystemADODB


22/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(17)

This is a minor release.

  1. removed version from ClientConfig

  2. added ToolTipText to system log

  3. added LastReportableError on ClientConfig on startup.

  4. stopped client from accepting messages when there is a failure on d startup

  5. fixed password on TCPHub form


12/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(16)

  This is a minor revision.

  1. fixed password on TCP Hub form
  2. added minimise in menu and removed control box
  3. fixed ClientConfig logging


12/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(14)

  This is a minor revision.

  1. added to REST class GET Templates and GET workspaces
  2. added additional configs for GET templates and workspaces



12/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(10)

  This is a minor revision.

  1. added more comments on init
  2. cleanup on frames


11/3/2021    Official release WhispirGate V1.1(7)

  This is a minor revision.

  1. fixed Database Error. Now reopens database on any error
  2. change LastReportableError from 1 minute to 10 seconds
  3. fixed EnableServerProxy test for True False


10/3/2021    First Official release WhispirGate V1.1(6)


Fixed delete problem with SWITCH

The log reports settings not configured.

Minor changes to button sizes and frame positions



9/3/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.1(0)    Penultimate official release

The Whispir engine now operates from Workspaces.

The application now looks for a valid WhispirID to operate the WDOG.

If there is no valid WhispirID it uses the SERVER_TEST_MOBILE to generate a test message.

WDOG will operate every 10 seconds until a valid connection is made to the Whispir API.

  1. fixed default init for Server_Type
  2. added message template settings (see below)
  3. cleaned up initialisation. tests for empty fields in the Whispir settings
  4. added workspaces to rest class
  5. added Get Templates button
  6. general form cleanup

New settings

w01     SERVER_API_TEMPLATE             QASProduction
w01     SERVER_API_WORKSPACE_ID     95A54F5F6236C54E
w01     SERVER_TEST_MOBILE                0407585949
w01     SERVER_API_WORKSPACES        /workspaces


change setting

w01     SERVER_API_GET_MESS_SUMMARY             /messagestatus?view=summary


w01     SERVER_API_GET_MESS_SUMMARY             /messagestatus?view=detailed


5/3/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(34)   

  1. moved start up config to MDSClientConfig table
  2. removed app log. moved it to Whispir log
  3. added packet timer to some logging events
  4. converted Whispir log from a list box to a text log

26/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(30)   

  1. fixed internal queue pointer
  2. added packet id to log
  3. added JSON delimiter check in message


26/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(28)   

  1. added additional comments before WDOG and POST and GET
  2. added "" detection for JASON payloads
  3. added do events to loop for message processing
  4. added form resize to startup


26/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(25)   

  1. fixed counters
  2. changed indexing


25/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(23)   

  1. added Queue Tab
  2. major change to packet id processing
  3. fixed focus on simulate password



17/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(22)   

  1. fixed multiple messages in a packet to Whispir
  2. added password to HTTP Simulate button
  3. new setting in MDSClientConfig    SIMULATE_PASSWORD



17/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(20)   

  1. minor log changes


17/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(18)   

  1. improved startup logs
  2. added Watchdog period and Fail period
  3. improved Client Availability
  4. Debug checkbox changed to set a Fault Condition
  5. removed sSMSACC now deletes messages on swHTTP
  6. improved logging in REST Class
  7. queue set to 300 maximum. Can change this size up to the maximum


New MDSClientConfig settings

w01 MAX_MESSAGES_PKT         10                 Maximum number of messages in a group with the same message
w01 QUEUE_PERIOD                 3                     Time between searches for messages in queue
w01 WDOG_FAIL_PERIOD             10                 Time between tests on fail
w01 QUEUE_SIZE                     100                 Size of the queue



17/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(17)   

Fixed log


17/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(15)   

This is the seventh BETA release and is for testing the client full operation.

Minor changes

  1. Added logging for Proxy connection
  2. Fixed bug in POST via Proxy



16/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(14)   

This is the sixth BETA release and is for testing the client full operation.

Major changes

  1. Added WhispirID to table MDSMessages. Messages sent by the client will have a Whispir identifier for message retrieval.
  2. Added JSON decode of message responses in Get Last tab
  3. Added Proxy settings in table MDSClientConfig
  4. Added MAX_MESSAGES_PKT to table MDSClientConfig to restrict the number of mobile in a single packet. Default is 10
  5. Added QUEUE_PERIOD  to table MDSClientConfig to allow the queue to group messages with the same content.



12/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(11)   

This is the fifth BETA release and is for testing the client with the client full operation.

Major changes

  1. Window is now resizable.
  2. Added Log Highlight.
  3. All settings are now in MDSClientConfig (except Database config). No registry now for this client.
  4. On startup if MDSClientConfig is not present and Registry is, then Registry is copied to config table and uses the config table from then on.
  5. REST initialisation variables are now in MDSClientConfig table.


11/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(4)   

This is the fourth BETA release and is for testing the client with the MDS system.

  1. added Simulate checkbox to mimic Whispir results.
  2. Use the Debug checkbox to fail a SMS in Simulate mode
  3. Use this version in WAITDELETE mode only
  4. not compatible with new switch


10/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(3)   

This is the third BETA release and is for testing the client with the MDS system.

  1. added test API from the watchdog
  2. added GET Last button. This gets the response for the last valid message. This works provided the DEBUG check box has not been changed. (changing will clear the last message)
  3. added HTTP logging
  4. indicates to the current Switch version SMS responses not WhispirSMS responses.
  5. added CHILKAT test for library
  6. changed form to freeze the Tab control on an error
  7. major changes to the Client Availability




8/2/2021    Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(2)   

This is the second BETA release and is for testing the client with the MDS system.

It now contains classes for the Whispir API connection. The CHILKAT libraries must be installed for this to operate.


The Whispir Log contains the JSON payload to be sent as well as responses from the Whispir REST API.

There is a test button on this tab to send local messages to the API.

The debug checkbox turns on and off the real connection to the API. When checked no connection is made.


The application will interface to the MDS and send messages in real time. There is currently no queuing of messages to take advantage of reducing packet numbers. A packet is sent for each message.



3/2/2021    First Beta release WhispirGate V1.0(0)  

This is the first BETA release and is for testing the client with the MDS system.

It does not contain any classes for the Whispir API connection.

The client has been produced to test the connectivity to the MDS. The SMS operation is simulated to produce the 3 types of responses from the final Whispir solution.

It requires the following configuration changes;

  1. Add new module W** to MDSClient

  2. Add new PortClass RESTAPI

  3. Add new Outputmethod RESTIP




In this version, if there is a problem in starting the client, it will not exit. The error on startup will be in the log.


Once installed and connected to the Hub, messages can be sent to it. It will mimic the SMS operation by sending back three responses.

The first is that it has sent the message packet, about 1 second. The second indicates the message was received by the SMS device about 5 seconds later. The third is that the SMS was acknowledged by the SMS device user, about 5 seconds. The Switch V2.0 (252) (and earlier) will then send a delete packet indicating it has closed the message.

With the new Switch V3.0 and above, the Client will delete the message after it was acknowledged. The Switch will also delete the message after it receives the acknowledgement message from the Client. No delete packet is sent from the Switch to the Client.





Author: Mike Coyer.
Copyright © 1999-13 May 2024  [MTEL Communications Pty Ltd]. All rights reserved.



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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022