

Current Versions
How to Manual



MTELPage is the software component required to communicate to MTEL picocell technology. 

The paging software will also communicate to commercial paging carriers such as Hutchison Telecoms and Telstra for SMS. In addition to primary call-outs the system is utilised for general paging applications for administration and similar information based messaging.

MTELPage can operate up to 99 Clients in a peer network on Windows operating systems from Windows XP and Vista and System7. MTELPage is no longer supported on Windows 95/98/NT/ME.

MTELPage suite is written in Microsoft’s Visual Basic 6 and its database structures are Microsoft Access 2003 compatible. Most of the databases are no longer supported by Access 2000 or less.

Two of  the three programs included in the MTELPage suite, run the basic paging application. MTELServe and MTELPage provide the respective communications and the user interface. MTELServe always operates on the PC workstation operating the modem. MTELPage however can operate from any computer on the same LAN network. The third program MTELDatabase updates the user databases.


First introduced in 1998, the application is revamped every year to provide new features and to improve performance. In recent years the product has had some major face lifts to add features such as the Off-Air Decoder in 2011 for paging messages, and resizable windows.

In the introduction of MTELPage 2013 the focus has been on the back office operations for the suite.

MTELServe as well has been dramatically improved to provide faster more efficient code with TCP facilities so the modems can be located on a terminal server.

Most importantly the queuing system has been converted from an Access Database system to a TCP application called MTELQue and MTELRelay. These new products provide the switching capability to either the MDS system or the MTELServe modems. In addition if there is a failure in the MDS delivery it can be rerouted back to the MTELServers giving a level of redundancy not previous available.






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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022