MTELsys Configuration: The MTELsys database file is called "c:\MTELsys\mtelsysdb.mdb" and the application is hard coded to look for this config file. If the file is not present the following error is presented
There is only one table "Registry". None of the fields require manual intervention. Each is updated by the application when it is closed.
DataBasexx: These file paths are populated by the application. They can be manually edited. They are the last 11 unique files loaded by the application. EditPW: This is the password to enter the application. FServer: This is the path to the main paging application. It has the same name as FServer in all the applications. It is used by MTELdatabase to find the FServer\system\picocell pstn data.mdb for networks. Version: This is the version of the last application using the database.