



MTELServe 2013


MTELServe 2013 is a major upgrade. The main changes are the way in MTELPage sends messages to MTELServe via TCP sockets rather than communication through a database as in all previous versions. The database functionality is now replaced with an application MTELQue which is connected to all the MTELServer's via TCP.

The other major change is there is now only one executable produced per version. The application is started with the argument 1,2,3,4 or 5 to indicate which MTELServe configuration the application is to adopt.

The program also has some simple face lifts to show the TCP functionality and a new Queue tab.



The TCP log indicates any changes to the TCP connection to MTELQue.


Queue tab

The Queue tab shows a list of all the messages for the current carrier network over which MTELServe is currently sending messages. The current network is also indicated in the bottom right hand text box. If the network is completed then the text box is populated with the time.


The Queue tab below shows a list of 4 messages all for Airlie Beach. The first column is the message id, the second column is the processing flag indication of the status of the message. This flag is updated on every change in operation on the message. The flag is also sent back to MTELPage so the user can see the current status or progress of the message.

The third column is the priority of the message. In this version the priority is not used. The messages are generally processed in the order they are received from the MTELQue.


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Last modified: 01-Jun-2022